Ashley Luken

Ashley Luken aka ashxmae
Claim to fame: Grass drag racing
Real job: Human resources for a mobility company
Wish job: Meteorologist
Current ride: 2020 Summit Expert Turbo
Wish ride: Already have it
Current truck: 2019 Ford F250 Lariat Sport
Wish truck: 2021 Ford F250 Tremor
Hometown: Nashua, NH, USA
I was born in: Dover, NH, USA
Where I wish I lived: Steamboat Springs, CO, USA
My no. 1 bucket list: Sledding in British Columbia, Canada
Time travel would take me: back to the 90s
I started riding when I was: two years old with my Dad & Mom, four years old on my own sled
My first ride was a: 1972 Arctic Cat Kitty Cat
My secret place to ride (GPS coordinates): Can’t have them, technically it’s illegal to ride off trail in NH
Best finish or trophy I have won: No trophies
Favorite ride tunes: Anything from The Score or Avicii
Favorite food: Sushi or tacos
Favorite drink: 603 Brewery Wood Devil IPA, Tito’s Club with lime or just plain water
If I had a million dollars I would: Pay off student loans, buy a house in Steamboat